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AACC Police Officer at traffic stop

你可以通过了解你的环境和保持警惕,使你容易受到伤害的情况来预防犯罪. 以下是你在日常生活中如何做到这一点的几个例子.

Protecting Yourself

While Walking

  • If at all possible, never walk alone.
  • If you cannot find someone to walk with you, 请致电410-777-1818与公共安全和警察局联系,要求护送.
  • If you absolutely have to walk alone, walk on well-lighted, well-traveled walkways and plan your route ahead of time. 避开攻击者可能藏身的地方(如停放的汽车之间的空间), overgrown shrubs, 黑暗的通道)和你可能走投无路的地方. Remember that it is best to walk facing traffic.
  • 如果有人跟踪你,要表现得很自信,让他或她知道你知道他们的存在. Don't be polite or engage in conversation.
  • 如果他们继续跟着你,穿过马路或者改变方向.
  • If this doesn't work, 朝其他人或有人居住的建筑物走去,远离可能被逼入绝境的地方.
  • 如果有人在车里跟踪你,并且坚持不懈或变得猥亵, 记下车牌号码,并尽快向公共安全和警察局报告.

While Driving

  • 如果有人一直跟着你,或者变得下流, 记下牌照号码,并尽快向适当的警察机构或公共安全和警察部门报告.
  • 如果你被困在车里,快速短时间地按喇叭. This will attract people's attention.
  • 当你离开你的车时,确保所有的车门都锁上了.
  • When returning to your car, 准备好你的钥匙,这样你就可以快速进入你的车,并了解你周围的环境. If you have to look into a purse or a pocket to find them, 这需要额外的时间,你会忽略你周围的东西, which could allow someone to sneak up on you.
  • 当你靠近你的车时,看看下面,确保没有人藏在那里. 在你进入你的车之前,看看是否所有的门都锁上了,或者是否有任何不请自来的乘客坐在后座或地板上. 如果你的门锁不像你离开时那样了或者你看到有人在里面, 尽快离开该地区,并通知公共安全部门和警方.
  • Don't pick up hitchhikers.

On Buses and Subways

  • Use well-lit, busy stops.
  • Stay alert! Don't doze or daydream.

Working Late

  • 让别人知道你将在哪里工作以及你预计什么时候回家. 确保你的家人和朋友知道你的工作电话. 当你到达你的工作站时打电话,在离开回家之前再打一次.
  • 携带一个便携的,电池供电的高分贝警报装置或响亮的哨子.
  • 在钱包里或钥匙环上放一个小手电筒, 尽量把车停在光线充足的地方,走在光线充足的人行道上.
  • 当你走近相应的门时,手里要拿着钥匙和门禁卡, keeping them readily available. Make sure locked doors close and lock behind you.
  • Keep your workstation or office locked after hours.
  • 当你回到你的车,注意附近可疑的人,并把你的钥匙在你的手中. Check the interior of your vehicle before getting in.

Protecting Your Property

Preventing Thefts from Vehicles

  • 为方向盘或点火装置安装车辆警报器或机械锁.
  • Always lock the doors and leave the windows rolled up.
  • Always activate any auto alarms or anti-theft devices.
  • 把书籍、电子产品和其他贵重物品放在视线之外. 即使车辆是锁着的,昂贵的物品也会被偷窃. 不要宣传你的车辆装备的类型.
  • 把贵重物品放在后备箱,而不是前座或后座.
  • 知道你的车辆的牌照号码、年份、品牌和型号.
  • 任何时候都不要把钱、支票簿或信用卡留在车内.

Preventing Bicycle Theft

  • 在无人看管的情况下,用一个好的U型锁锁住自行车. 第二种选择是一个好的防壳锁和电缆. 确保“U”锁或电缆穿过前轮, rear wheel and the frame, and secure it to a fixed object.
  • Check the lock by pulling on it to make sure it is secure.
  • 使用雕刻家在未涂漆的主要自行车部件上放置识别标记.
  • 请务必保留所有购买凭证,包括序列号.
  • Be able to identify the bicycle.. not only by its color, but also by its features.
  • 手头有一张或多张自行车的近距离彩色照片吗.
  • 在公共安全和警察部门或县警察登记程序中登记自行车.
  • Never loan your bicycle or other property to strangers.
  • 尽量避免将自行车停放在无人或光线不足的地方.

Preventing Thefts from Offices

  • Don't become complacent. Be aware! Be attentive.
  • Don't showcase your office.
  • Close and lock your office when it is not occupied. 小偷只需要几秒钟就能注意到一间无人的办公室, walk in and put something in a book bag.
  • Lock your desk, file cabinet, locker, etc.
  • 不要把钱包放在书桌的最后一个或最下面的抽屉里(小偷知道它在那里)。.

If You are a Victim or Witness a Crime

如果你看到或怀疑校园里正在发生犯罪行为, 要特别留意违例者及所涉车辆的特征. 试着准备好至少提供以下关于违法者的信息:

  • Age, race, height, and weight.
  • Hair color and style, beard and mustache.
  • 显著特征(痤疮、疤痕、眼镜、精神状态等.).
  • Clothing description.
  • Location where last seen.
  • Last known direction of travel.
  • Vehicle description and distinctive markings.

Witnesses who wish to remain anonymous may do so. 更重要的是尽快作出反应. 

Learn more about Sexual Harassment and Assault.

Reporting a Crime or Emergency

犯罪或其他紧急情况的受害者或证人的一项重要责任是及时向有关当局报告. 公共安全和警察部有训练有素的警察24小时值班. 这些警察准备好处理校园里发生的事件.

You can report an incident by calling DPSP at ext.1818 from a campus phone or 410-777-1818. When doing so, 试着提供尽可能多的有关情况的细节, including at least the following:

  • Your name.
  • 您的位置和电话号码,可以联系到您.
  • The nature of the problem you are reporting.

When reporting a crime by telephone, 保持通话,直到通讯人员完全了解所有必要的信息,以便派遣适当的响应人员到现场.


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